Monday, January 7, 2019

Deep Thoughts : Fresh Slate

How are you this New Year? Are you a resolution type person? I have to admit I have never really been about them. They just seem like another way to beat myself up if I fail again. And it seems there are very few resolutions that I tend to keep. 

There are however, some ways that others have been approaching this clean slate of a new year that I find intriguing. The first one was having a theme. Maybe the theme is to be fearless in most things. Maybe it's being gentle with yourself. Or maybe it's about making relationships priority. I love that this is a guiding principle that helps you with all your choices during the year, while giving you room to fail. 

Another way that some approach things is with a word of the year. This can be another guiding principle that gives you room to fail, but also guides one choices. I have done this in the past, with various results. I have chosen words that suggest taking more chances, and others that are related to motivation. They've both been helpful. 

But a friend posted something that really resonates with me this year. She just said "less." I've modified this for myself for the year. And in my mind that means this:

less comparison, more contentment
less striving, more doing
less business, more action
less mindless eating, more satisfaction
less mindless scrolling, more connection
less stuff, more meaning
less mindless aggravation, more movement
less detachment, more love

Thats what I'm considering this year. I'm hoping it will give me some direction in how I approach this clean slate. I get excited about it every year, and I hope that this year the drive to do things well will last. Do you have resolutions, a word or anything that you use to give your new year shape? I  would love to hear how others approach the year! 

(ps. All these photos were taken at Electric Beet Juice, a delicious local restaurant that has an array of healthy salads, sandwiches and smoothies!) 

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